Friday, May 15, 2009

my 1st experience with cuppies & buttercream

Ta da!!!! my 1st cuppiess....semangat sungguh kali nie..No matter what I want to bake Anas Hakim's 2nd birthday cupcake..Actually, deep inside my heart I always wanted to try my hand on decorating cuppies. As usual..other aspects of my life & my world really occupied my schedule..priority for this of course! far at the bottom until the moment came!!...On 27th March, yes! that was the moment where the priority had jumped from the bottom to the top of the list! Finally!!! But Mamafami commented that I was "menggelat" as only 2 colors on my cuppies design...Bukan apa....just to play safe, so that if any disaster it can be touched up easily!! Almaklum...ilmu tu jangan di katakan cetek, malah kontang sama sekali..takut nanti cuppies harijadi Anas Hakim ni datang dari Secret Recipe pulakkk...Tapi anak-anak semua bangga! the mummy baked cupcake for Sara Sofia & Amir Hakim already booked their cuppies in advance even though Sara Sofia's birthday will be in September and Amir Hakim will be next year January..Inside my heart " Insyaallahlah anak-anak....I hope this wont be the 1st & the last cuppies"

Hokaido Bread

This bread exist after the 3rd time I made "Roti Naik" . Since the owner is such newbies on this blogging things plus her schedule, even 30hours a day wont be enough for her.....

Me & bread

One day my tea tarik buddy mentioned to me while we were waiting for our daughter out from school that she got "roti naik" in the oven!! Walla!!! dalam hati lamanya aku tak makan roti niee...donkey years Man then the person who always there to bake me "roti naik" had passed away many years ago...

So, when I started craving for something, whatever it takes I will fulfil my craving. Nak tak nak minta jugalah kat sahabat nie resepi roti naik. Dia pun bagilah link.. Even in the cyberworld exist of the 6 degree thingss....he he..I know this lady & always "lepak" at her site but never came across this recipe...

So from there on, the rest was history. Nowdays, my kitchen always has homemade bread & I dont buy bread anymore. The satisfaction of the taste bud is soooo muchh different when comes to homemade bread. No wonder Mamafami love to bake bread & couldn't resist on trying new bread recipe..go mama go.. here comes the 'pengikut setia'!!!