Friday, May 15, 2009

Me & bread

One day my tea tarik buddy mentioned to me while we were waiting for our daughter out from school that she got "roti naik" in the oven!! Walla!!! dalam hati lamanya aku tak makan roti niee...donkey years Man then the person who always there to bake me "roti naik" had passed away many years ago...

So, when I started craving for something, whatever it takes I will fulfil my craving. Nak tak nak minta jugalah kat sahabat nie resepi roti naik. Dia pun bagilah link.. Even in the cyberworld exist of the 6 degree thingss....he he..I know this lady & always "lepak" at her site but never came across this recipe...

So from there on, the rest was history. Nowdays, my kitchen always has homemade bread & I dont buy bread anymore. The satisfaction of the taste bud is soooo muchh different when comes to homemade bread. No wonder Mamafami love to bake bread & couldn't resist on trying new bread recipe..go mama go.. here comes the 'pengikut setia'!!!


  1. Hahaha... ada jugak pengikut setia eh? Sib baik mama ni tak ajar ajaran songsang! Muahahaha... Welcome to the cyberworld dear!

  2. Thank you thank you!! Basically you were the one who was responsible for me to be here!! Trying my best to keep it update..yg ni pun entah berapa lama baru siap di posted ha ha
