Friday, October 30, 2009

Kuey Teow Beef -my version

This my own version kuey teow beef. Invented it after trying various fried kuey teow, cantonese kuey teow etc which involves kuey teow..The gravy was adoption of beef stew which I used to make many many years ago..But not so sure why and when that dish like missing from my dining table..maybe this is next mission..Beef stew & home made bread...Lets go the recepie

Beef Kuey Teow


5 cloves garlic

6 shallots

1.5 inch ginger

2 tablespoon dark soya sauce

4 table spoon light soya sauce

4 table spoon oyster sauce

4 table spoon wheat flour

750 ml water

350 gram tenderloin beef



3 table spoon cooking oil


Cut the beef 3cm length. The pound it with the meat hammer. Then, slice it about 0.5 cm thickness. The purpose is to give the difference on the meat texture. Marinate it with 2 tablespoon of light soya sauce, 2 tablespoon oystersauce, salt & pepper. Put aside. Heat the oil, fry the sliced garlic, sliced shallot and ginger till golden. Put in the wheat flour and fry it for a while, then put in the water. Let it boil then add in the soya sauce, dark soya sauce & osyter sauce, then add in the marinated beef. Cook it till tender then only the vegetables. The gravy ready once the vegetable cooked.
P/S: can add more flour if prefer thicker gravy. Make sure disolve the fluor with some water before add in to the boiling gravy. This to avoid lump.


  1. klu kena semua rasa yg patut mmg sedap! tapi klu hari tu time tak mnjadi..mmg tak sedap Ma..Tapi so far laku...
