Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Happy Teacher's Day - Amir Hakim

While I was busy making the fondant for Sherry & Sara Sofia, Amir Hakim was asking what about his teacher??? Alamak!!! I forgot about my son!!! least I am glad he wasn't that fussy and happy to settled with buttercream cuppies...but a bit extra from the rest...not only his class teacher but for all the teachers at CEC!! Whatever it is...Mummy was happy to prepare the cuppies for your teachers Amir Hakim!


  1. Sib baik i am not your son, kalau tak sure kecik hati punya! Hahaha... Amboi dah terror deco nampak! Caayalah...

  2. Dah sampai pun mama kat laman kita ni yea!!! ahhh bangga gitu..tapi Ma perlu bagi tunjuk ajarlah sket...gambar tu ha tunggang langgang Ma tak reti nak delete etc... Bukan apa Ma..dia tu kindergarden lagi..tu yang tak terfikir tu..Berkat tunjuk ajar Mama gak tuu..
